UAV Ground Control Station

UAV Ground Control Stations function as an integrated system with a tracking antenna and radio, mobile computer, and piloting joystick. The ground station communicates with the UAV using either an omnidirectional or directional wireless link. Typically this wireless link runs on unlicensed/licensed spectrum. This allows operators to obtain real-time data on the UAVs position and performance. By allowing remote pilots the ability to have a virtual cockpit, they can more safely and securely navigate the UAV. In addition to controlling a UAV in flight, GCS can also be used to monitor live video streaming from UAV cameras. This makes GCS integral in defense and law enforcement applications. With the ability to see what the UAV sees in real time, operators on the ground are able to reorganize, adjust deployments, and protect assets, taking the guesswork out of reconnaissance and search and rescue missions. Ground stations for UAVs are a large part of a new era of long-range aerial data gathering. As UAVs continue to provide existing and burgeoning industries with the advantages of aerial photography and videography, they increasingly become a larger part of our aviation landscape.
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